(Watch Full Video with Sound Below)
“Fertility and Intimacy”
a Presentation by Denise Wiesner
In this presentation, Denise discusses how to keep intimacy alive while trying to conceive. Chinese Medicine can help you reconnect in your relationship, and keep the pressure of baby-making at bay. Watch as Denise shares the eastern secrets needed to reignite passion and learn how to Conceive with Love.
“Trying Buffalo Horn Massage”
with This is Mythical on YouTube
In this episode of This is Mythical, the girls visit Denise to try out Gua Sha Massage for the first time.
Gua Sha promotes circulation to the muscles and organs, and drains the lymphatic system, stimulating detoxification as fluids carry nutrients to the tissues and metabolic wastes are carried away.
If you’ve ever wondered about the power of Gua Sha, and if this ancient treatment is for you, this video is an excellent way to experience what your first time on Denise’s table will be like. Well, without the YouTube camera there, of course.
“Conceiving with Love: Increasing Fertility, Healing Shame”
my guest blog on What the Fertility
I recently received an email from a 43 year old patient who wrote about her journey in coming to terms with the sexual molestation she experienced at only five years old. Like so many young victims, she was threatened not to speak a word, a threat she took to heart for most of her life. But in this email, she discussed trying to dismantle the belief she had grown up with, “I can’t ask for help or tell anyone my truth.” By writing about what had happened in her childhood, she asked me to witness her story — a story that had affected every relationship in her life until now.
In reading her words, I wondered…
How many of us have beliefs from childhood, and even adulthood, that have affected our capacity for intimacy?
“10 Ways to Deal with Disappointment When Trying to Conceive”
How Infertility has Rocked these Women’s Romantic Relationships; and How Communication has Improved Them
Generally speaking, “Women become very focused on getting the timing down, and men often feel pressure to perform on schedule,” Certified Sex Coach and Practitioner of Chinese Medicine Denise told Fertility Help Hub. “Then, things like performance anxiety, low sex drive, tiredness and the like take centre stage.”
Creating More Fertility & Intimacy with Chinese
If you are struggling with fertility, why not take a whole body approach and incorporate some suggestions from Chinese Medicine? It’s worked for thousands of women throughout time and looks at the whole person: mind, body and spirit.
A Quest for Wellbeing
Fertility in Focus: Reconnecting with your Partner
Denise Wiesner — How to Maintain Love and Intimacy During Baby-Making Sex
Fab Fertility
The Wholesome Fertility Podcast
Guy’s Guy Radio Interview
Fab Fertile Interview
Fertility Friday Interview
Sex with Emily Interview
Wellness for Life Interview
Beat Infertility Interview
YouTube Interview with Marla Martenson
Fertile Minds Radio Interview
Rational Wellness with Dr. Ben Weitz
Denise Wiesner, LAc discusses Fertility and Sexual Intimacy with Dr. Ben Weitz. Denise Wiesner is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and and certified sex coach. She is the founder of Natural Healing & Acupuncture in West Los Angeles. She sees patients at her clinic as well as offers virtual coaching on fertility, sex and intimacy.